For eight years before the Covid 19 pandemic, The Green was published in the Ashley Cross area of Poole. It started off as just a 24 page one-off tester and over the years developed into a 48 page community paper, published six times a year.
Now that we’re back to print publishing after a two and half year absence, we’d expanded the remit of the paper and rather than 6,000 copies going through-the-door in Parkstone, we have renamed the Green as The Cross and now it goes through the door of 12,000 households in a much wider area, from Ashley Cross and Poole Park, through Whitecliff and Lower Parkstone, Alaxandra Park and Penn Hill.
The Cross is being distributed mid-November 2022, in association with title sponsor Katie Fox Estate Agent. It has been welcomes on the doorstep and the relaunch has been a great success. The next issue come at the end of December 2022 and in then published Feb, April, June, August, October and December 2023.
Call: 01202 287801 or 0794 156 9180 – email Neil Armstrong at info@villagemags.co.uk or visit www.villagemags.co.uk for more information about The Cross, to see a sample or to arrange a meeting.